Goodell states that this new process will handle violence within the NFL "firmly, consistently, quickly" |
Although this policy is a huge improvement over it's predecessor, there's still a substantial amount of growing to do, namely in its concern for the victim. According to the National Organization for Women, "there is no guarantee that economic support will be there for as long as it takes for a victim to get back on her feet, and no indication that the NFL even understands that a six-game unpaid suspension could spark even higher level of violence." I believe this oversight could potentially lead to another crisis for Goodell, but that it the changes they did make will make a huge difference.
If this policy works as well in reality as it sounds like it would on paper, I think that we will begin to see more justice in the punishments given by the NFL and as a result, less domestic violence cases. If the policy doesn't live up to its expectations, then the question remains: what can the NFL really do to discipline the staff and players?