
Is Goodell Really Doing Good for the NFL?

In 1994, after months of mishandled situations, baseball reached its tipping point. Now, twenty years later, is the NFL facing its own?

Throughout this week, deemed the "week from hell" by some, I have heard story after story of abuse performed by well known NFL players, one stand-out being Ray Rice. As many people have heard, Rice beat his wife (then fiancée) to unconsciousness in a hotel elevator back in February. After at first being suspended for only two games, his penalty was increased to an indefinite suspension when the video was released last Monday. Though an appropriate punishment, it may have been long overdue, as a law enforcement official claims to have sent Roger Goodell, the NFL Commissioner, the video in April. In the backlash from this claim, Goodell remains that neither he nor anyone working with him had seen the video prior to Monday. With an FBI agent now on the case, the truth will be out soon enough, but until then, how are we to know who to believe?

Goodell's possible mishandling of the Ray Rice case, the Adrian Peterson child abuse indictment, plus many more recent domestic abuse incidents in the NFL left Goodell under massive scrutiny and  many are asking for his resignation. Nita Chaudhary, co-founder of UltraViolet, declared, "It is time for Roger Goodell to resign, and for the NFL to get serious about its commitment to ending violence against women within the league. "

Banner reading "#GoodellMustGo" flies over MetLife Stadium today
Whether or not Goodell had seen the elevator footage of Rice in April, I feel that it is time for him to step down. With there being far too many (and far too often) NFL abuse stories in the news, how well can Goodell really be handling things? And with doubt piling up as he was a no show for a long-scheduled appearance, how long does he expect to keep up his charade?

1 comment:

  1. Abbey-
    I agree that Goodell should step down from his position, or should be forced to. Abuse is not something to be taken lightly, so I think the NFL needs a Commissioner that will enforced appropriate punishment based on the abuse that the player has performed, and someone who will make the players believe that just because they are in the pubic eye, doesn't mean that they can commit abuse and expect to be left alone. I wonder what Goodell is going to do, and if he is going to make an appearance/say something soon.
